The following Bulletin Board activities are subject to change or cancellation out of concern for the coronavirus pandemic. For any updated information, please contact the individual event organizers.
Events also can be found on and submitted to an online calendar listing at
Gary Blum 5K and 1-mile Fun Walk: 7 to 11:30 a.m. April 4, Chippewa UMC Community Life Center, 2545 Darlington Road, Chippewa Township. Breakfast, awards follow. Registration at 7 a.m., race at 8:30 a.m. In honor of Gary Blum and his support of the CUMC youth and community. Registration, 5K before March 15, $25; after March 16, $30; 1-mile Fun Walk, before March 16, $15; after March 16., $20, Register online at Volunteers and donations welcome, email
Future Wise Community Meeting: 6 to 8 p.m. March 19, Community College of Beaver County Student Services Center, 1 Campus Drive, Center Township. RiverWise initiative focuses on design projects at Franklin Avenue Park in Aliquippa, Riverfront Park in Monaca and The News Tribune Building in Beaver Falls. Designers, architects, planners, residents may present ideas about changing landscape of Beaver County.
Merchandise Bingo: 7 p.m. March 16, St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church social hall, 115 Trinity Drive, Center Township. Sponsored by the Christian Mothers of St. Frances Cabrini. Lunch is included in admission price.
Hanover Township Volunteer Fire Department Craft Show: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 21, fire hall, 2697 Route 18. Vendors welcome; $15 a table. 724-899-3144 or Facebook/Hanover Township Volunteer Fire Department Beaver County.
Beaver County Head Start Community Day: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. March 24, Beaver County Head Start, 205 Beaver Valley Mall Blvd., Center Township. Opportunity to meet program staff, tour a sample classroom, apply for 2020-21 school year. 724-728-2110.
Beaver County Women’s Day: 9 to 11 a.m. March 27, Pennsylvania Career Link Beaver County, 570 Beaver Valley Mall Blvd., Center Township. Theme is #EachforEqual, with moderated discussions and breakout sessions that focus on challenging stereotypes, fight bias, celebrate women’s achievements. Free; continental breakfast provided. Registration required; contact Shon Owens at 724-378-2882, ext. 11, or email Sponsored by Career Link and the Franklin Center of Beaver County.
Ambridge Household Hazardous and Electronic Waste Recycling: 9 a.m. to noon March 28, municipal building, 600 11th St. Acceptable waste includes paint, paint thinner, cleaning products, pesticides, car and household batteries, pool chemicals, antifreeze. Payment by the pound, from $1.25 for paint to $1.50 for bulbs and batteries. Electronics priced per pound. Acceptable electronics include TVs, computers and accessories, printers, cell phones, air conditioners, small refrigerators, dehumidifiers. Not accepted items include explosives, ammunition, medical waste, ties, large appliances. Registration required online at or call 866-815-0016.
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny: 8 a.m. to noon March 15, South Beaver Township fire hall 740 Route 168. All-you-can-eat breakfast free to registered township residents. Children will receive small gift; take a camera for photos with Easter Bunny. Served in three one-hour limited seatings. Registration required online at Sponsored by the township recreation board.
Social Media and Texting Session: 7 p.m. March 16, Sisters of St. Joseph campus, 1020 W. State St., Baden. Hosted by Great Grouping Valley Parishes for families using cell phones. Focuses on social media and phone apps, texting abbreviations, phone apps considered dangerous for children. Conducted by Samaritan Counseling Services. All welcome. RSVP by March 10 to 412-965-4911 or 412-855-0511.
Lifesteps Free Development Screeings: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 16, April 27 and May 21, 138 Friendship Circle, Brighton Township. Free 30-minute development screenings for children from birth to age 5 that focus on playing, talking, hearing, moving and thinking. Results will be discussed immediately. Appointments are required and can be made by calling 724-774-6494.
Rivers Casino Bus Trip: 3:30 p.m. April 4, Rivers Casino, Pittsburgh. Bus trip sponsored by the New Brighton Area Recreation Commission. $25 per person includes bus transportation and free play voucher. Returns to New Brighton High School parking lot at 10 p.m. Reservations at 724-846-1870 or online at
Free Early Reading Screenings: March 16 and April 13, Laughlin Children’s Center, 424 Frederick Ave., Sewickley. For children in kindergarten to grade 2. Specialist will administer the Predictive Assessment of Reading to assess letter-word recognition, vocabulary, phonemic awareness and fluency abilities, then discuss results and recommendations. Half-hour appointments. For appointments and information, call 412-741-4087 or online at
Beaver Valley Choral Society spring concert rehearsals: 7 p.m. Mondays, New Brighton United Methodist Church, 1033 Sixth Ave. Rehearsals for the BCVS Treble Youth Chorale will begin in February.
God With Us: 7 to 9 p.m. March 29, New Galilee Church of the Nazarene, 505 Washington Ave. Depicts Christ’s sacrifice. May not be suitable for all ages. Free. Limited seating; reservations online at or 724-683-2855.
Painting with a Twist, Kids Style: Noon to 3 p.m. March 21, Triedstone Baptist Church, 503 Washington St., Aliquippa. Paint party for children. Paint is washable, but wear play clothes. For ages 3 to 16; children age 5 and younger must be accompanied by adult. Free. 724-375-5156 or email
Beaver Valley Choral Society’s “Depth of Mercy” Lenten Concerts: 4 p.m. March 28, New Brighton United Methodist Church, 1033 Sixth Ave.; 4 p.m. March 29, Good Samaritan Catholic Parish, 725 Glenwood Ave., Ambridge; 4 p.m. April 4, Beaver United Methodist Church, 345 College Ave.; 5 p.m. April 5, Grace Lutheran Church, 393 Adams St., Rochester. The 120-voice choir, accompanied by the choral society’s orchestra, Treble Youth Choral (March 28 and 29 concerts), Herald Brass Ensemble and the Jubilation Bells, and Mary Inman Honors Bell Choir. Free; donations welcome.,
CANCELED -- Beaver County Historical Research and Landmark Foundation: 7 p.m. March 19, Beaver County Courthouse, Beaver.
Chippewa Women’s Club: 1 p.m. March 17, Chippewa Township municipal building, 2811 Darlington Road. Bees program is planned. Calling committee will contact and assign items to bring for spring baskets.
New Brighton Century Club: 12:30 p.m. March 27, Grand Valley Inn, 452 Constitution Blvd., Fallson. Wear Easter bonnets. Meeting to be led by Betty Anderson.
Beaver Chapter of Women’s Business Network: 8:30 a.m. March 24, Cottrill-Arbutina Conference Center, 525 Third St., Beaver. Agenda includes self-marketing, a business presentation by an individual members, table topic discussion and networking. 412-974-2971.
Easter Bake Sale: March 17 order deadline; pick up from 10 a.m. to noon March 18 and 25, St. George Church, 30 10th St., Midland. Nut, poppyseed, apricot rolls, $13; apple, cheese streudel, $7; homemade noodles, $6. To order, call 724-643-9662, 724-770-0758 or 724-643-5554.
Italian Dinner Feast: 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. March 28, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, 819 Washington Ave., Monaca. Pasta, chicken Parmesan, meatballs, stuffed banana peppers, salad, Italian bread, Italian desserts, beverages. Adults, $14; children, younger than age 12, $6. Tickets at the door or call 724-650-2800.
Lenten Lunch and Dinners: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., 4:30 to 6 p.m. Fridays through April 10, Midland Serbian Club, 514 Midland Ave. Cost, $10 and $12. Eat in or to go, call 724-643-1622.
Rockin’ Rachel’s Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. March 21, Baden United Methodist Church, 420 Dippold Ave. Annual spaghetti dinner fundraiser in honor of Rachel Smith, who was born with Down syndrome in 2012. Spaghetti lunch or dinner, basket raffle, treats for children, visit from Star Wars characters. Tickets in advance, adults, $10; ages 4 to 12, $5; at the door, adults, $12; children, $7. Email to or call 724-869-2647.
Lenten Fish Fry: Noon to 6:30 p.m. Fridays through April 10, St. Titus Catholic Parish, 952 Franklin Ave., Aliquippa. Fried or baked fish dinners, fish sandwiches, potato/cheese pirogi, macaroni and cheese. Takeouts, 724-378-2734.
Lenten Fish Fry: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. March 27, Our Lady of Peace Catholic Parish, 1000 Third Ave., Conway. Baked or beer-battered fried cod, $9, or shrimp, $10, includes coleslaw, roll, coffee and choice of macaroni and cheese, baked potatoe or french fries. Fish sandwich, $8, desserts and bake sale. Children age 6 and younger eat free in dining room. Call ahead and takeouts, 724-480-7679.
Ethnic Food Sale: 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fridays through April 10, May 1 and 15, and June 12 and 26, St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 313 Ninth St., Ambridge. Items available for takeout precooked potato/cheese or potato/sauerkraut pirogi (hot, cold or frozen), stuffed cabbage (frozen) and halushky (hot). Orders for halushky must be placed by noon Thursday (the day before sale) by calling 724-266-3530.
Hookstown Volunteer Fire Department Fish Fry: 4:30 to 7 p.m. Fridays, Hookstown fire hall, 102 Silver Slipper Road. Takeouts, call 724-573-4111. Benefits fire department.
Patterson Township Volunteer Fire Department Fish Fry: 4 to 7 p.m. Fridays through April 10, Patterson fire hall, 319 Darlington Road. Fried haddock and chicken plank dinners, with choice of fries, pirogi or macaroni and cheese; fish sandwiches, individual items, child’s chicken or fish dinners. Takeouts, call 724-843-9617. Free delivery in Patterson Township and Patterson Heights.
Beaver Valley Yacht Club Fish Fry: Noon to 7 p.m. Fridays through April 10, Beaver Valley Yacht Club, 219 Front St., Fallston. For takeouts, call 724-847-4663.
Raccoon Township Volunteer Fire Department Fish Fry: 4 to 8 p.m. Fridays through April 10, Raccoon fire hall, 4061 Patterson Road. Fish, baked fish, chicken filet, shrimp and clam dinners, senior and children dinners, includes salad bar, french fries, beverage. Benefits fire department. Eat in or take out, call 724-495-6630 or online at
Divine Redeeemer Parish Lenten Fish Fry: 4:30 to 7 p.m. Fridays through April 3, St. James School cafeteria, 200 Walnut St., Sewickley. Fish dinners, sides, kids meals. Takeouts, call 412-741-5540, press 2, after 4:15 p.m.
Crescent Townshp Volunteer Fire Department Fish Fry: 4 to 7 p.m. Fridays through April 10, Crescent fire hall, 79 McGovern Blvd. Battered fish dinners, sides, halushky. Dine in or take out, call 724-457-7430.
Pirogi, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fridays through April 3, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 377 Linmore Ave., Baden. Potato, kraut, cottage cheese prune. $8 per dozen. To order, call 724-869-9758 after 6 a.m. Fridays or leave message. Eat in, take out and bring own containers if you’d like. Pick up from 9:30 to 3 p.m.
Spring Bazaar: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 28, Harvest Cathedral Fellowship Hall, 409 11th St., Beaver Falls. Vendors who sell items, food and services such as manicures and massages are welcome to attend. Tables are $25 each. Vendors are asked to donate an item or basket for a raffle. For information and registration, call 724-775-1364 or email Registration deadline is March 20.
Spaghetti Dinner: 2 to 6 p.m. March 28, American Legion Riders, 600 Pennsylvania Ave., Monaca Adults, $10; children younger than age 12, $5. Takeouts available. Benefits the Women’s Center of Beaver County and the Legion Riders post.
Super Saturday Pinewood Derby Weigh-in, Auction and Spaghetti Dinner: 2 to 7 p.m. March 28, St. John’s Burry’s Church, 1835 Route 68, New Sewickley Township. Entrance fee for show and race, $10. Silent auction from 2 to 5 p.m. and spaghetti dinner at 5 p.m. benefiting the Yellow Ribbon Girls.
Night at the Races: 5 p.m. March 28, Center Stage, 1495 Old Brodhead Road, Center Township. Benefits the Potter Township Volunteer Fire Department. Doors open at 5 p.m. Tickets: $30, includes naming of a horse, buffet dinner, beer, soft drinks and snacks. Also, silent auction and 50/50 raffle. Tickets available at the township office, 206 Mowry Road, or call 724-312-2421 or 724-407-3304.
Rochester Elks Night at the Races: 6 to 11 p.m. March 21, Elks Lodge, 440 Pinney St. Dinner is from 6 to 7 p.m.; races begin at 7 p.m. Ticket includes dinner, snacks and desserts. Auction items and raffle during event. Tickets for horse owner, $25; general admission, $15. Benefits Elks charities. 724-774-3306.
Lions Club Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 22, Lighthouse for the Blind, 720 Third Ave., New Brighton. All-you-can-eat pancake and sausage breakfast. Benefits Lighthouse for the Blind. Adults, $7; children, younger than age 12, $3.
Roeing for Spares: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., March 28, Patterson Township fire hall, 319 Darlington Road. Features LuLaRoe items, additional vendors and crafters, food options. Proceeds benefit the National Kidney Foundation on behalf of Team Share Your Spare. For information, email
Spring Craft Show: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 28, Hopewell Township fire station No. 2, Gringo Road, Route 151. Crafters and vendors, homemade beef vegetable soup sold by the quart, bake sale, Rada cutlery, silent auction. Sponsored by the auxiliary to benefit the fire department.
Bingo: 6:30 p.m. March 21 and April 18, Lighthouse for the Blind, 730 Third Ave., New Brighton. Early birds at 6:30 p.m., regular games at 7 p.m. Sponsored by the Beaver Falls Lions Club.
Bowl for Kids’ Sake 2020, Happy Hour Bowl 6 p.m. March 19 and 20; all-ages bowl 3, 5 and 7 p.m. March 21, Baden Bowl, 346 Ohio River Blvd. Fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Beaver County. Teams organize with captain and up to five members. Students are asked to raise a minimum of $50 in pledges each; adult minimum is $75 Includes two games of bowling, shoe rental, pizza, snacks, beverages, prizes, T-shirt. Supports mentoring programs in schools and communities in Beaver Couunty. To register go to or call 724-843-4600.
Potter Township Volunteer Fire Department Night at the Races: 6 p.m. March 28, Center Stage, 1495 Old Broadhead Road, Center Township. Doors open at 5 p.m., buffet dinner at 6 p.m., races begin at 7 p.m. Includes beer, soft drinks and snacks. Cash bar, silent auction, 50/50 raffle. Tickets, $30, includes naming of a horse. 714-312-2421 or 724-407-3304.
Free Naloxone Training: 12:20 to 1 p.m. March 19, Carnegie Free Library, 1301 Seventh Ave., Beaver Falls. Focuses on recognizing signs of opiod overdose, how to administer Naloxone, practice on mannequins, Beaver County’s data of opiod overdose, free Naloxone kit. Sponsored by Carnegie Free Library and the Beaver County Behavioral Health, Drug and Alcohol Program. To register, call 724-846-4340.
Nature Journaling: 1 to 4 p.m. March 28, Raccoon Creek State Park, 30000 Route 18, Independence Township. Naturalist Betsy Bangley covers fundamentals of recording observations and sketching in nature. Ideal for beginners. Dress warmly and bring notebook/sketch pad. Fee, $15; Registration required at, call 724-899-3611 or email Patrick Adams at
Improving Trauma Diagnoses and Treatment: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 20, Sisters of St. Joseph, 1020 W. State St., Baden. Focuses on treating trauma with an understanding of patient’s social context. Stephen Carroll, Ph.D., will discuss implications of addictions and recovery on patients with trauma history. Six continuing-education credits for professionals. Fee, $100, includes lunch and refreshments; additional $30 for CEU credits. Register online at Co-hosted by St. Joseph Spirituality Center, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, UMPC School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh.
New Brighton Historical Society: 7 p.m. March 24, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 115 N. Mercer Ave., New Brighton. Brenda Applegate, executive director of the Beaver County Historical Research and Landmarks Foundation, and her husband, Roger, will discuss the 100-plus blue historical markers throughout Beaver County from their newest book, “What Did That Sign Say?”
International Association of Electrical Inspectors, western Pennsylvania chapter: 7 p.m. March 19, Gaetano’s Banquet Center, 1617 Banksville Road, Pittsburgh. Earn continuing-education credits. 724-274-0510.
Winter Session Learn to Skate: 5:30 p.m. Thursdays through March 19, Bradys Run Ice Arena, 121 Bradys Run Road, Brighton Township. Thursdays at 5:30 p.m., beginners, (ages 3 and 4) and basic skills level 1 and 2 (children 5 years and older); 6 p.m., basic skills levels 3 to 6. Conducted by the Beaver County Figure Skating Club. Fee, $96 and $17.25 annual Learn to Skate USA membership. To register, call 724-770-2060 or go to
Baby and Me: 10 a.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month, Beaver Area Memorial Library, 100 College Ave. Library and early-literacy skills for infants to 23 months and their caregivers. Free. Registration not required. 724-775-1132 or
Preschool and Toddler Story Times: 6 p.m. Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays, Beaver Area Memorial Library, 100 College Ave. Library activities for children ages 2 to 5 and their caregivers. Free; registration not required. 724-775-1132 or online at
Beaver County chapter of the Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees is accepting applications through April 24 for its annual $1,000 scholarship. Students must be a permanent resident of Beaver County and a second-semester junior education major at Geneva, Grove City or Westminster college, Slippery Rock or Robert Morris university, or other college offering a degree in education. For an application, email
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