York Public Library is located at 15 Long Sands Road. Check the website at www.york.lib.me.us for the most up-to-date information.
Meditation Meetup: Wednesday, March 11, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. In partnership with area practitioners, the library is pleased to offer a weekly meditation program. This session will be led by Avi Magidoff. Avi belongs to the 43rd generation of the LinJi Meditation School, and has been a student of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh for more than two decades. He practices acupuncture in Portsmouth and teaches mindfulness, meditation and acupuncture in North America, Europe and Asia. Avi says: “In each session we practice sitting meditation as well as walking meditation for calming the mind as well as developing, concentrating and observing our habitual patterns so as to gain insight and free ourselves of those patterns." Dress comfortably and if you have your own cushion, please bring it with you. The library has a limited number of meditation cushions available on a first come, first serve basis. This program is free and open to all ages and abilities. No prior experience needed.
Community Crafters: Thursday, March 12, 10:30 a.m. to Noon. Join us in the Kennebunk Room each Thursday morning to knit, crochet, do needlework or whatever other creative endeavor you are working on. The Library will provide the space to work and socialize; you just need to bring along your own project.
Census 2020: Thursday, March 12, 1:30 p.m. U.S. Census Bureau Partnership Specialist Sterling Roop will speak about the 2020 Census. The presentation will cover the history of the Census, why an accurate count is important for our community and state, and what communities and individuals can do to help ensure an accurate count. Sterling will be available to answer any questions you might have about the 2020 census. The 12th of March is also the official kick off of nationwide 2020 Census self-response and Sterling can help you be one of the first in York to respond!
Drop-in Chess: Tuesday, March 17, 3 p.m. Do you play chess? Want to challenge others or be challenged? Want to learn? All ages and levels welcome to join us fireside. Volunteers will be on hand to teach or help pair up players.
Monthly Poetry Evening: Tuesday, March 17, 7 p.m. Please bring poems to share - either your own or favorite poems by someone else. The prompt for March is “whiff”; the topic is open for interpretation. Readings from poetry books are welcome. Readings occur in round table format and are facilitated by Priscilla Cookson. Drop-ins welcome.
Meditation Meetup: Wednesday, March 18, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. This session will be led by Maia Rizzi.
York History: Thursday, March 19, 10:30 a.m. The dramatic rise and fall of Edward Godfrey, is one of the more tragic stories in the early history of this town. How could it be that within the span of only three decades, the first Englishman ever to settle here, who would possess much of the land, and even occupy the highest posts in the government, would spend the final months of his life in a London debtors prison practically stripped of everything? Godfrey’s fate highlights the momentous changes brought to this region by the submission of Maine to Massachusetts in 1652. He was indeed the most prominent casualty of the takeover. An examination of his life will be the subject of the third session in this series, led by historian James Kences, addressing York in the 17th century.
Community Crafters: Thursday, March 19, 10:30 a.m. to Noon
Treatments for Hip and Knee Pain - York Hospital Lunch & Learn: Friday, March 20, Noon. York Hospital will be hosting a Lunch & Learn on Robotic Assisted Hip Replacements and Common Causes for Hip & Knee Pain. Michael Morwood, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon at Atlantic Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine will present this talk. Seating is limited and complimentary lunch will be served. Guests are welcome to take their seats beginning at 11:45 a.m. The lecture followed by Q&A will begin at Noon.
Climate Change Community Dialog: Friday, March 20, 3:30 p.m. Come join the Climate Conversation: Community Round-table talks facilitated by Debby Ronnquist on the third Friday of every month. Topics range from composting to heating your home, gardening, soil health, and everyday steps we can take to reduce the effects of climate change on people and wildlife. Bring your own topic suggestions, questions, ideas, and friends. Debby is affiliated with York Ready for 100% Clean Renewable Energy.
Lifting as We Climb: African American Women and the Fight for Suffrage in the Nineteenth-Century Northeast: Saturday, March 21, 3 to 4:30 p.m. This talk will trace the dynamic role of African American women activists in the suffrage movement in the Northeast, from the nineteenth century up until the passage of the nineteenth amendment. The speaker, Kabria Baumgartner, is an assistant professor of American studies at the University of New Hampshire. Her work focuses on nineteenth century African American history, culture, and literature. Her book, In Pursuit of Knowledge: Black Women and Educational Activism in Antebellum America (New York University Press, 2019), explores the history of school desegregation in the antebellum Northeast.
Ben Baldwin and Kent Allyn Winter Concert Series: Sunday, March 22, 3 p.m. Ben Baldwin and Kent Allyn got their start in 1976 at the fabled Cape Neddick Lobster Pound with their R&B band, “The Big Note.” Since then, they have played every conceivable gig on the seacoast and are thrilled to be playing the York Library. Johnny Mercer. Curtis Mayfield, The Band. Cole Porter. Sam Cooke. Ray Charles. Ernie K. Doe. With their vast and varied repertoire, going deep in the history, Ben and Kent love playing this music and sharing it with audiences of all ages. Bring the kids. Bring the parents. Join us on the 22nd!
Medicare Seminar: Wednesday, March 25, 2:30 p.m. Informative and educational seminars offered by the Southern Maine Agency on Aging are designed to help answer your Medicare questions. Certified State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) Counselors will present information on Medicare in easy to understand language. Topics include: Benefits, coverage, premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, complaints and appeals, rights and procedures, and more. Please register in advance by phone (207) 396-6500, (800)-427-7411or online at www.smaaa.org
Meditation Meetup: Wednesday, March 25, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. This session will be led by Sarah Gaetano.
Community Crafters: Thursday, March 26, 10:30 a.m. to Noon.
Trivia Night!: Thursday, March 26, 6:30 p.m. Our first Trivia Night with YPL and York Beach Beer Co. was a HUGE success - standing room only! If you missed it or are impatient for another one, we've scheduled our next Trivia Night for March 26, same time, same place! Join us at York Beach Beer Company for another night of great beer, great people, and lots of laughs for a great cause. You have one month to come up with a great team name. Have any requests for theme trivia? Email Jane at jsiviski@york.lib.me.us
Environmental History of York: Friday, March 27, 7 p.m. Accelerated Growth and Environmental Protection — these issues have been York’s challenge for the half century since the first Earth Day in 1970. One of the fastest growing towns in Maine, York is also home to one of the most important, still unfragmented environments on the Atlantic seaboard. How can these two opposing interests be constructively reconciled? The officers and institutions of local government, as mediators, have been compelled to contend with these complex conditions, as well as state and federal directives imposed from Augusta and Washington. What have been the successes and the failures over the course of the last fifty years? This program, led by historian James Kences, is sponsored by York Ready for 100%.
Lapsit Storytime (infants to two years old): Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. Come for a program of stories, songs, finger plays and rhymes.
Preschool Storytime: Thursdays and Fridays, 10:30 a.m. Join us for stories, songs, fingerplays, and crafts for 3-5 year olds.
More information on our children’s programs is available on our website: www.york.lib.me.us or pick up our Newsletter at the Library.
On the Main Level: Works by Susan Ricker Knox (1874-1959) will be on exhibit on the main level of the Library January to March. This is a “Community Collects” Exhibit with pieces from private collections and public institutions brought together solely for this exhibition. Susan Ricker Knox was born in Portsmouth but maintained a lifelong connection with York. She began summering in York as early as 1893 and, after attending art schools in Philadelphia and New York, returned to build her arts and crafts cottage and studio in York Harbor where she and her widowed mother spent half of every year for more than 30 years. She was known originally as a portraitist of mothers and children, but after 1922, her work took a major turn that made Knox one of the most famous women artists in the country. She painted immigrants coming into the country at Ellis Island and later painted Native Americans and people of Mexico and Central America.
In the Community Room: Works by Angelique Mace Luro. Born and raised in Maine, Angelique has resided here for most of her life. She is an empathic, intuitive, abstract artist who draws from her experiences as a mother, professional gardener, Reiki healer, and yoga instructor. Discernment is at the forefront of the creative process for her. Inspired by the love of family, animals, and the natural world, she blends her innate knowledge of color, texture, and line with curiosity and a sense of exploration, which results in engaging acrylic/mixed media works. She currently lives on a small farm in Southern Maine with her husband and their four equines, two dogs and a cat. Angelique’s work may be seen at the Art Coop in Kennebunk, Maine. She is a member of the York Art Association, the Kittery Art Association, and the Boothbay Region Art Association. Her show will be on exhibit until the end of March. Angelique has a BS in Graphic Design from Fitchburg State College and an AS Business and Resource Management from the University of Maine.
On the Lower Level: Museums of Old York Display Case. The musical instruments displayed in this exhibit were all made or used here in York.
2020-03-11 04:28:20Z
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